Friday, October 01, 2004


Dude, I was reading my bro's blog. It's funny. Read it.

If there is one grievance I have with fantasy literature, it is magic. Honestly, I utterly despise magicality and spells and potions and sorcerers and wizards and incantations and Donald Trump. One might ask, "Then how can you find enjoyment in LOTR?" This is simple. The LOTR does not have a magical premise. If one were to watch Peter Jackson's films, or just read the trilogy itself, they would say that Tolien incorporated magical themes (i.e. Gandalf the wizard, Sauron the Dark Lord, etc.) into his books. But if one were to twelve deeper into the world of Tolkien, they would discover the truth. Gandalf is, in fact, the equivalent of an angel, and Sauron that of a fallen angel. Middle-Earth was not built upon magic, but upon the supernatural aka Illuvatar aka the One True God.

Plainly put, I like realistic stories. I don't like the magical things like, forgive me, Harry Potter and the like. Not only are they fruity and take away from physical heroism, but they are unnatural and unrelated to our reality. This is not to say that Miendur does not have different geography and, more importantly, different beings than our world, but its emphasis is more historical than fantastic. Next time we gat to tackle the problem of killing i.e. can it be justified?

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